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Publications & Research

In the Spring of 2022, our chapter split up into groups to research various policies revolving around APIDA issues. We gathered scholarly articles and created a slide deck to teach and educate others on these issues and why policies must exist to address them. This year, this research will be expanded into our Policy Competition.

Education Policy Research Group

Members had the opportunity to dive deep into key questions and issues in education policy that affect the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) community and lead their own research project guided by their group’s interests. The Education group focused on achievement anxiety within APIDA youth and created a proposal for a novel study that would help uncover the relationships between social pressures like the Model Minority Myth and mental health.

Economic Policy Research Group

Our members curious about economic policy got a chance to pursue their interest further and connect it to issues relevant to the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) community through their group-led project. The team explored topics of data disaggregation and income inequality that challenge the monolithic view of the APIDA population and created an in-depth presentation to share their research.

Weekly Newsletter Highlighting AAPI Icons and Issues

We shared the stories of Asian-American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) icons (both past and present) and highlighted the latest AAPI-related news in our weekly newsletters, promoting awareness of the AAPI community to a wider audience!

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© 2022 Dear Asian Youth at UChicago

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